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Promotional Videos

Matches, Tournaments & Class Videos

Time-Lapse Videos

YouTube Channel & DVD Creation

Function & Event Videos

Website Production via Wix Platform
- 1-3 minute video
- 1 hour of filming
- 1 hour of editing
- 2 sets of revisions
- 3-5 minute video
- 2 hour of filming
- 2 hour of editing
- 2 sets of revisions
Any additional hour (filming or editing)
= £35
1 minute video showcase
Provide me with 10-20 photos of your business and I can create you a video showcasing your business for just £110.
Did you know that YouTube was the 2nd most used search engine?
For just £45 I can create you your own customized YouTube channel.
Take a look at one I have created here!
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